GMYBC’s Commodore, Derek, Wins the Vintage (Boat not Skipper) Class

Classic & Vintage Vane “M” Weekend Fleetwood May 20th & 21st May 2023

By Derek Morland

Gosport had 4  Vane Marblehead’s sailing in Fleetwood’s “Classic and Vintage ‘M’ weekend”. We had a great weekend, well run by Fleetwood. The weather was similar both days, very light easterly first thing, slowly backing to a slightly stronger north westerly through the day. The light winds blowing mainly over the bank from the sea made conditions tricky, especially if you ended up on the upwind bank.

Wazp, Derek Morland and Tim Rees had a mixed Saturday, Max Buttimer was the leading Gosport boat in second place over night. Wayne Stobbs was on equal points with us with Nigel Brown close behind at the end of Saturday. On Sunday morning we altered the mast set up and the Vane, we did much better on Sunday and won the Vintage cup the “Walter Jones Trophy” we were the first boat to set a spinnaker, and only lost one race all day. Wayne wound up with the “Team of Two” trophy for first overall in the 2 boat team, with Alan and David Bell. Nigel Brown and Alistair Colville were sailing a new boat (to them) they were going really well on Saturday to start with, then the previous owner showed them how to set up the rig !, there is a lesson there!!

Thanks are due to Alan Oxlade for calling up the pairs and starting us off.

1st Classic Yacht     Derek & Lisa Priestley     ”Shaun’s Boat”     Fleetwood      36 points

(Pearson Trophy)

2nd Classic Yacht   Keith Wiseman                  “Secsea”               Fleetwood      27

(Mayoral Cup)

1st Vintage Yacht    Derek Morland                   ”Wazp”                  Gosport         33

(Walter Jones Trophy)

2nd Vintage Yacht   Alan & David Bell              ”Rena Pat”            Fleetwood     31

(Hayes Trophy)

Top ”Team of Two”  Wayne Stobbs and Alan & David Bell    Gosport & Fleetwood   62 points

Thank you to David Rose for suppling the results & photos for this report.

Photos by Sue Brown can be found at


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