General Data Protection Policy
As you will be aware, the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force from 25th May 2018, when the UK Data Protection Act 1998 was superseded. GMYBC want to assure the members that we handle your data professionally, securely and in accordance with the current regulations.
As a reminder of the personal information we hold:
- Your name
- Your date of birth
- Your address
- Your contact telephone numbers (mobile/landline or both)
- Your email address
- Your emergency contact person telephone numbers
- Your medical conditions if declared on your membership application form
- If payments are required to be made to you via bank transfer, then your bank details are held on file.
We use this:
- To perform the duties to run the GMYBC on behalf of members
- To contact our members to inform them of any club related business
- To apply for your MYA membership if requested on your membership application form
What we do NOT do is:
- Sell your contact data.
- Pass on your details to any 3rd party without any prior consent
Your privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with our members in a way that is only necessary to fulfil our duties as the GMYBC Executive Committee (EC).
Your personal data will not be used in any other way apart from club duties.
Full documentation on the clubs GDPR Policies and Procedures are available for members to access in the GMYBC GDPR Policies and Procedures manual held in the club, or can be requested online from the Executive Committee.
Revision 01 01 March 2022