The address for the venue is The Clubhouse, Marine Parade East, Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9BW.
The schedule for the afternoon is as follows:
1215 – arrival at the Clubhouse for those taking lunch.
1230 – roast lunch served to those who have booked it in advance.
1330 – refreshments served to all those attending the AGM.
1400 – AGM commences.
1500 – (estimated) break for 15 minutes.
1515 – Award of Trophies. We expect this to conclude at about 1630.
Attendance – of course, we strongly encourage our members to attend the AGM and the Trophy Presentation Ceremony afterwards. Many of you will be familiar with LOSSC and indeed, quite a few of you are members of this Club. We will be on the top floor, which has superb views across the Solent. There is also a lift from the ground floor entrance. If you plan to attend, please let me know by midday on Friday 6th December. I need to know in advance, so that we can provide sufficient seating, although there will be a couple of chairs for anyone who decides to just turn up on the day. If you cannot attend, you still need to e-mail an apology to the EC. My e-mail address is
Lunch – a roast lunch for us, with a choice of beef, chicken or a nut roast. Alongside it, will be roast potatoes, two vegetables, Yorkshire Pudding and gravy. The charge for this will be £14.95 for one course. If you opt for it, you will need to transfer the funds directly into our Club account and be sure to reference it with your surname, followed by a space and then AGMMEAL. (For example, mine will be ‘KINDELL AGMMEAL’). The particulars for our account are as follows: Lloyds Bank – sort code: 30-93-56 and account no: 46461560. The account name is ‘GMYBC’.
Bar – a vital ingredient for the majority of us, it does seem to be well stocked and has a good choice of ales. Payment is by contactless card.
Vehicle Parking – LOSSC is right on the seafront. To use the parking bays on Marine Parade, opposite the Club and the car parks, you need to get a ticket from a machine at a charge of £1 per hour. Payment is either by contactless card or an App; the machines will not take cash.
Trophy Awards – the Awards Ceremony is a relaxed occasion. The Club’s trophies will be handed to the relevant winners, photographs will be taken and then they must be handed back. There are, however, prizes which the lucky recipients keep for life. Even if you are unlikely to win anything, I am sure you will agree that we need to support those who have by being present at this great occasion. Do you have any good photographs, which you took over the past year? If so, please enter them for the India Plate Competition. The winner of this fun competition is quite often someone who simply snapped a moment on a mobile phone. This year, we will manage this electronically; send me an e-mail with the photo attached in jpeg format. I need these by midday on Friday 6 December