Affiliated Clubs Encouraging Radio SAILing

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Index of Events shown by Class indicating date and Host Club MYA Radio League Criteria
to Event Results sheets

All Radio Classes Combined
Results sorted by Individual Skipper, Club and District

Individual Class Results sorted by Skipper, Club and District

IOM RADIO A Marblehead

10 Rater Radio 36 Radio 6M
RG65 Footy Dragon Force 65 Dragon Flite 95
Summarised ANALYSIS of Findings
District Tables by Skipper and by club overall and within class below

Eastern District Skippers and clubs overall and by class
Met & Southern District Skippers and clubs overall and by class
Midlands District Skippers and clubs overall and by class

Northern District Skippers and clubs overall and by class
Scottish District Skippers and clubs overall and by class
South Western District Skippers and clubs overall and by class

ACERSAIL is an attempt to collect and collate data from OPEN Radio Sailing Events during 2017 (1/11/16 to 31/10/17) with a view to providing
MYA Council with data using ACTUAL racing results to support its research into and consideration of Radio Sailing Activity.

For more Information contact John Smith at Gosport by E-MAIL

Link to ACERSAIL 2016 for comparison and historic results